SPD 8yr old daughter being asked to find a new school
My 8 year old was diagnosed two years ago with SPD, she seeks a lot of sensory input especially in the tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive systems. We have been living abroad and my daughter had been at a great international school for over 3 years with lots of learning support but she was always challenging and has struggled lots with writing. She finds writing uncomfortable both to write itself despite lots of OT support and often refuses to work at school when having to write. She also struggles to put together sentences, both orally and in writing. It takes a while and is hard work for her. She tires easily. We moved last April and we thought a private school would be best as there were small class sizes and a good individual needs team. We fully informed the school about all of my daughter's needs and provided OT reports, school reports and she spent a taster day at the school where she carried out tests. She was then offered a school place and all went well for a term. We were told that she was taking up a lot of the teacher's time and that in her new class there would be no teaching assistant so as parents we might have to fund one for her. September ... school term started and we were told that there were enough TAs in school so they would be used when she needed. A review meeting was scheduled for 3 weeks into the new term as there was a headmaster, new to the school and my daughter's class teacher, also new to the school. I walked into that meeting to talk about how my daughter was doing and what support might be needed going forward ..... we were at week 2 of a new ALERT programme with \OT coming into school, once a week and had received an email, a week before saying that my daughter was hiding under her desk.... and when I talked to her, she said it was because she was being asked to write all the time. Shock of shocks, this was not a review meeting.... the headmaster told me that straight off .... we needed to find a new school for her as she was being too disruptive, not fulfilling the curriculum and that she didn't respond well to TA support. At this meeting, I was in such shock, I said nothing. As I got home, I realised the craziness of this. So I have spent the last 2 weeks complaining, saying that there must be more interventions that would work but the school just says that nothing works. The class teacher now emails me every day with issues but to me they are exaggerated and should be manageable. One day, I am told that she bit a child. I talk to my child and find she did not bite a child, but put the clothing of another child in her mouth. Another day, I am told that she ripped posters in the classroom, I talk to my chid and she tore a tiny corner from one poster of a band that she doesn't like ... she thought it was funny. I am told that she shouted out Father Christmas during choir practice, shouted at a TA (my daughter struggles with voice modulation), and then yesterday she was pulled out of harvest festival because she was moving her feet too loudly during a song!!! I am at a loss as to how to persuade this school that excluding my kid is ludicrous, they just need to 1. accept her as she is to some extent and 2. keep trying. My kid loves her new school - its been very hard for her moving to a new school last April, has lots of friends, gets invited to parties etc so her peers seem to accept her but the headmaster just tells me that she should go to a special needs school. She is not entitled to do this.... so it just means we have to move her to another school, down the road with a much bigger class. My daughter has no idea that she will have to move schools and I know will be devastated, she talks all the time about future events there and what she will be studying next etc. How do I persuade her current school that she really is not that bad and her SPD can be managed but they are doing a really poor job and my daughter is behaving as she is, because of it.