Posts: 36
Joined: Jun 2014
RE: Hi im looking for advice and support
Thank you. And o no to lead.
Do you know it is an actual fact though that they play up the most for the one they love the most!
It's hard.
Do you get much support from husband/partner parents friends? Sorry don't know if you are married or not?
Try and find half an hour a day for your time to relax listen to music meditate etc
And every time you look at him just give him your biggest most loving smile you can.
Take care.
07-31-2014, 08:25 AM |
Posts: 37
Joined: Jun 2014
RE: Hi im looking for advice and support
Yeah I'm married I have my nan around too and some fantastic friends so I can't complain about that. He is very well loved  do u have much support?
07-31-2014, 02:49 PM |
Posts: 36
Joined: Jun 2014
RE: Hi im looking for advice and support
Sorry been without net again for what seems like forever.
How are you all doing?
We only have mother in law for support. Our little one also suffers with seperation anxiety so we never have time away from her but surely you don't have children to get away from them?
She is going through a bad spell at moment as I have said i believe it's all linked to growth spurts along with the new baby who of course she adores.
No sleep till Brooklyn hey?
08-08-2014, 07:13 AM |
Posts: 37
Joined: Jun 2014
RE: Hi im looking for advice and support
I agree jays got bad as soon as he had a big groth spurt
Were all ok plodding through the school holidays
08-10-2014, 09:05 AM |