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So, now that I have gotten past the obligatory introductory phase I assume that I may now wordvomit here, yes? Great.
Things I HATE:
(Proprioceptive?) Being in a stationary car with the engine on while another car backs up or pulls off. It makes me vomit. I cannot stand or sit in a chair with my eyes closed. When they are open, I have relatively few issues as far as balance is concerned. When I close them...it is like everything around me disappears and the floor comes from under me. After a while I am unsure if I am standing or sitting or floating. Then I fall. My limbs...no, my entire body feels disconnected unless I am under something heavy, jumping, spinning, or swinging. It is a weird feeling that I find difficult to describe.
(Light) Fluorescent lights or any light that flickers for any reason. Fluorescent lights buzz loudly while they flicker. It makes me feel crazy. Flickering lights make it impossible for me to walk. It looks like the floor is moving all around. This is not cool by any stretch of the imagination. It also makes me feel like my eyes are moving when they are not. Bright lights blind me and/or make it seem to me that words are moving. They can vibrate in place (which makes me feel ill) or t heyca nstarttoloo k lik ethis. This happens under bright lighting and with certain colours...like white, yellow, or pink paper with black text.
(Sound) I want to maim the person who came up with mosquito ring tones. I can hear them all. I can also feel them...behind my eyes. It is a heavy feeling like pressing on the eyes, only it comes from the back...like it is pushing my eyes out (it isn't. i always feel compelled to check.). The sounds that bats tend to make hurt me. Styrofoam on styrofoam is a painful sound, styrofoam on cardboard, cardboard on cardboard, cardboard on ice, styrofoam on ice, cotton balls being rubbed together.
(Touch...?) Now, this is where it gets weird. Touching naked crayons, bits of chalk, and the insides of some sinks and bathtubs is painful...but not just physically. It also hurts me like...a sound. I can almost HEAR the sensation...which makes no sense at all. I also start to think about putting these things in my mouth and chewing them...and "feel" that as a sound. I did once cave into this...sick, twisted temptation and bite a piece of chalk. It felt (and sounded) like i thought it would. I do not recommend it.
Ok. I have word vomited enough. Your turn!
07-11-2011, 02:25 AM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Sound: The sound of my dog licking himself makes me want to jump out the nearest window.
Smell: Tobacco smoke makes me vomit.
I know I have lots others but I have to leave for an appointment.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
07-11-2011, 03:58 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Igby my Light sensitivity is similar to yours. Irlen Lenses fixed the problems you are describing with light. I lost the ability to read completely without pain for a few months until I got the Irlen Lenses.
Proprioceptive: If my eyes are Open in a car ride and I am not reading during the drive I get dizzy and nauseous. "Fresh Air" blowing on me can help. Before seeing a chiropractor it used to be much worse. As the car moved it felt like my cells were moving in completely different directions from the movement of the car. It hurt a lot and made driving unbearable. Turned out that my neck was seriously messed up.
Sound: The note High C makes me hysterical, mad, and gives me an instant migraine. Flutes all must be destroyed! A well trained singer who hits High C can be borne, but the majority of singers have too many impurities in their voices to be able to stand at High C.
Touch: So much is painful to the touch that it is usually quicker to describe what doesn't bother me to touch. Chalk *Shudder*, I will do everything in my power to never touch again. Touching it hurts (I develop a rash) and I can't breathe easily near the chalk dust.
Smell: I am not really good at figuring out smells or even smelling smells unless I have a major negative reaction to the "smell". Usually then it is too late with me fallen to the floor paralyzed having difficulty breathing. My husband has a more sensitive nose at least for figuring out smells around us. He has guided me several times away from dangerous locations as he smelled the "toxins" before I did. For me "toxins" are Corn, Nuts, Olives and any products derived from them even in small quantities in the air.
07-12-2011, 02:28 AM |
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 2011
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Dogs licking bothers me too. Cats don't because it is a dryer sound. Tobacco smoke makes my throat close up...because I am allergic. I would like to get tested for and try irlen lenses, but i cannot afford it. i don't mind flutes that are in tune (which was rare in HS band). I can't figure out smells either.
07-12-2011, 04:02 AM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
I don't recommend it as a long term solution, but you can try on cheap colored glasses in your local drug store. If one of them seems to help you, it can be a stop gap measure until you can try the Irlen Lenses.
I have an allergic reaction to Tobacco smoke as well.
07-12-2011, 06:42 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
I really don't like cotton balls either. Hate to touch them and the sound they make when they rub together and hate them in my mouth at the dentist.
But I love to get x-rays at the dentist just so I can wear the lead vest. So calming.
I also love to have my hair touched/stroked. I would lay my head in my mom's lap as a kid and she'd "pet" my hair. Now my seeker younger son loves to play with my hair (twirl it and pet it).
I have super sensitive smell. Hubby has me sniff the milk to see if it's going bad. I always tell people that I'm allergic to tobacco smoke. My eyes burn and water, and I cough a lot. If I'm around it long enough then I vomit.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
07-12-2011, 10:44 PM |
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 2011
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
People touching my hair makes me tired. I like...roller coasters and fast, spinning rides. Trampolines. Swings. Going down hills on a bike or longboard. I rather enjoying wearing the lead vest. =]
Cotton balls in the mouth = gagging. The sound of them in my mouth makes my teeth hurt.
07-12-2011, 11:59 PM |
SPD Host

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RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Yay rant time! Typing it all out IS therapeutic!
Sound: tapping, pen flicking, most chewing, open-mouthed chip eating, loud congested breathing, (my boyfriend's nose is constantly stuffy due to his allergy congestion. I share my allergy medicine all the time even when he doesn't think he needs it), I would love to smash all CAR SUBWOOFERS, TVs in another room if I can only hear the bass of it, really LOUD talking (although I'm sure some people may talk at an okay volume but I just process it as being super loud), old loud computer keyboards, gum popping, some other little things.
Vision: These are things I'm pretty sure are just my adaptive responses in accordance with the sounds, because they aren't lighting problems like what others with visual SPD symptoms have. I block the sight of the sound source. Mostly it's foot or hand tapping. This happens most of all in class. I block it with my hand up against my face, and my shoulder on the table, or on my ear to block the sound, too.
I run into things sometimes, too, like walls or corners of tables, but I don't really count that, haha.
Igby - I have tried longboarding (my boyfriend got me into it), and I love the concept, but I could never go down a hill on one! Him and his friends zigzag down, and I am better with flat terrain. It looks really cool though.
I have a weighted vest that I love, too.
P.S. Anyone else LOVE Chenille blankets? They are just heavy enough for some.
Not everyone needs to understand it, just the right people do - my dad
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2011, 02:09 AM by meredith.)
07-13-2011, 02:04 AM |
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 2011
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Meredith: I also hate hearing people chew! It makes me feel sick unless it is something crunchy. I am fine with crunching. I block my view of things that make noises that bother me as well! It...makes them quieter, somehow. Going downhill on my longboard is terrifying, but I love it! I have had a nasty wipe out, though. I am not very good at it. I got speed wobbles, slung myself off, and then slid down the road...on the side of my head and one of my shoulders. My helmet saved my head (and the chunk of skin and hair that would have been missing afterward), i put a hole in the shoulder of my shirt, and got road rash. It was worth it. The scab looked pretty neat. lol.
I LOVE chenille blankets!!! I want a weighted one. Like this: http://www.beanblanket.com/?gclid=CKiWtc...7AodI3ZRxQ
07-14-2011, 03:25 AM |
Posts: 75
Joined: Apr 2011
RE: Sensory Chaos: A rant
Wow, you guys! blocking the sight of a sound that bothers me, I do that too! But I never realized it until I read this thread. I do it in restaurants when I'm trying to have a conversation. Though I have almost given up on restaurants. I can tolerate them with my earplugs in. But my husband is the only one I'm comfortable going with. We can still comunicate even when I'm wearing earplugs. He's real good about talking so I can see his mouth and leaning in to say words I can't read a little louder.
Something else I hate to touch - those micro-filiment rags - oh god! I can feel every single fibre stick to the cells in my fingertips. Makes my whole body shudder. Those rags feel like they're woven from cobwebs.
....cool....the sky outside my window is dense with pink clouds. The whole world just took on a pinkish glow. I'm going to go stand in my backyard. Later.
I'm back, it didn't last very long. Now it's dark outside.
Regarding florescent or flickering light - it just wears me out. It's like someone pulled the stopper on my energy reservour and it all just drains out on the floor.
I wear a cap or a visor almost all the time now. Light from above gives me a headache. I always - all my life - needed to shade my eyes from the sun, but just recently I discovered shading my eyes from all light makes my energy last longer.
A couple of years ago I bought a BlueMax lamp because I got REALLY depressed in the wintertime, even though I live in Houston where the sun shines pretty well all the time. It helped a lot! I quit needing it so much for depression. But I use it now on my desk. My desk is next to a glass patio door, so I use sunlight during the day. But after the sun goes down, I use my BlueMax lamp. It doesn't suck my energy. It feels energy neutral. Actually, I think it may widen my window of optimal arousal.
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2011, 10:57 PM by LaneSensorina.)
07-14-2011, 10:33 PM |