Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 2011
Hello everyone.
I'm Bronny, mother to a little girl with SPD. Hermione (Mynie) is almost 5 and we were given this diagnosis in September. She also has delayed speech and Global Development delay.
i am a qualified Allied Health Assistant (OT, podiatry and physiotherapy) and I've also applied to study OT at Uni next year. (well the next 4 years)
But I am still very confused by it all. I read through a checklist earlier, and Mynie is hyper sensitive to so things and Hypo sensitive to others, all in the same category. ie: touch. She mouths objects, craves touch (actually wants to be carried all the time to be close to me), is constantly finding things for messy play, and is really rough with our cat. (All signs of Hypo) But also hates having her hair brushed, overly ticklish, hates socks, and a few different materials, gets stressed about having a hair cut (and she's booked in tomorrow), hates having her teeth brushed, in fact, wont let anyone near her mouth, unless she does it, and is a really picky eater. (all of which is Hyper) is this 'normal' for SPD?
12-30-2011, 10:58 AM |
Posts: 6
Joined: Dec 2011
Hi Bronny!
I also have a disability affecting speech and was delayed in other areas when I was your daughter's age. Maybe it would help if you categorized what kinds of touch she likes and what she doesn't, i.e. whether it's a "soft touch" when you brush her teeth and the things she hates, and what those activities feel like to you, and the same with the touches she likes, to see if you can find a connection. I love deep pressure, for example, and feeling rough surfaces, but I don't like being touched lightly, especially not kissed.
The things she dislikes may also be due to another sense, as well. For instance, I'm a very picky eater because I'm hypersensitive to taste and the texture of food. The disliking of hair cutting and teeth brushing might have to do with sound or oral sensitivity again.
With mouthing objects, have you tried chewelry?
12-31-2011, 09:08 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
It is normal for someone to be hyper in some areas but hypo in other areas. Some are even mixed within a category. Some change depending on the situation.
My younger son is mostly hypo but he is a picky eater and hates going to movie theaters cuz its too loud and doesn't like our garage door opening/closing (too loud). He loves big bear hugs and cuddles. He sleeps under a weighted blanket every night.
Welcome! What part of Australia? I've been 3 times and love it there!
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
01-06-2012, 12:20 AM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
I am an adult with both hypo and hyper senses. I tend to be hypersensitive most of the time, but when my brain gets fully overwhelmed I switch to completely hyposensitive where I notice almost nothing.
01-10-2012, 04:10 PM |
Posts: 53
Joined: May 2010
Hi Bronny
What's normal for SPD? Dunno! .... It's so unique for every individual. You just have to keep searching and experimenting. The thing with Mynie wanting to do it herself is that she can do it "just right" - the right level of pressure. Too light a touch (someone trying to be gentle, for example) can be sooo irritating.
Welcome! Have a great time at uni, I keep saying I'm done with it and then I'm back there again myself.
(12-30-2011, 10:58 AM)bronnypigz Wrote: Hello everyone.
I'm Bronny, mother to a little girl with SPD. Hermione (Mynie) is almost 5 and we were given this diagnosis in September. She also has delayed speech and Global Development delay.
i am a qualified Allied Health Assistant (OT, podiatry and physiotherapy) and I've also applied to study OT at Uni next year. (well the next 4 years)
But I am still very confused by it all. I read through a checklist earlier, and Mynie is hyper sensitive to so things and Hypo sensitive to others, all in the same category. ie: touch. She mouths objects, craves touch (actually wants to be carried all the time to be close to me), is constantly finding things for messy play, and is really rough with our cat. (All signs of Hypo) But also hates having her hair brushed, overly ticklish, hates socks, and a few different materials, gets stressed about having a hair cut (and she's booked in tomorrow), hates having her teeth brushed, in fact, wont let anyone near her mouth, unless she does it, and is a really picky eater. (all of which is Hyper) is this 'normal' for SPD?
01-12-2012, 02:26 AM |