J's mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Aug 2012
My 5 year old daughter with SPD had her 1st day of transitional kindergarten today and afterwards, the teacher told me that she was so disruptive that all the other kids were unable to learn because of her. What do you say to that?! No encouraging words from her that maybe it's the first day of school and she was acting out and perhaps it'll get better in a few days. I know my daughter is difficult, but this is very discouraging. She said she will set up a meeting with the school counselor so we can get strategies to manage her at home and in the classroom. My dtr does have an IEP from preschool in place for speech and OT. She has not been formally dx with SPD and her school based OT does not treat her sensory issues, only her school related difficulties like writing and cutting with scissors. I plan to get her a thorough eval done by a qualified OT soon. She has seen a developmental pediatrician who seems to think that she will outgrow her sensory issues by age 8 though he does think some type of sensory diet will help her. Anyway, just thinking ahead, can the school force me to take my child out of the classroom for being disruptive? I feel hopeless after today.
08-08-2012, 06:31 PM |
Posts: 21
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
that is a horrible way for a teacher to communicate the message to you! I'm so sorry!
Is this TK class part of your school district? Are there other options?
Is it possible for you to serve as her PA in class for a few classes until your daughter gets a handle on the teachers expectations? That would give you a good indication of how the teacher is going to talk to your daughter when you are not there.
I'd write the teacher a note, explaining that you are on the same side as they are and together you look forward to successful year for your daughter, and btw, please read up on SPD... as you'll probably be lucky enough to have many kids like this in your class in years to come
I hope the 2nd day goes better!!! Best wishes in the next steps.
mom of
Bryce (5)
Chase (3)
One without / one with SPD. Both perfect.
08-08-2012, 08:48 PM |
J's mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
Thanks for your response. Yes this school is in our district. I was just very surprised by this teacher's bluntness. Your suggestion about writing a note is great - I will definitely do that. And I can volunteer in the classroom as soon as the teacher is ready for volunteers. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I plan to take my dtr to the park before school to get some of her wiggles out.
08-08-2012, 09:08 PM |
Posts: 223
Joined: Jan 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
I'd also ask in that note what in particular the type of disruptive she is being, so that you can work on methods to make her less disruptive - both in terms of working with her outside of the classroom, and in terms of trying to find methods that would help her in the classroom by building up her sensory diet. (Probably word it in a way that is easier to understand for the teacher though)
08-08-2012, 09:27 PM |
Posts: 112
Joined: Oct 2011
RE: Bad 1st day of school
J's mummy that is awful. Not the sort of thing teachers are suppose to do. They are suppose to give you positives not negatives. I live in the UK and my son was a pain in the bum at the school nursery and I had been in an explained it to them. They were brill, in fact it was the school that sent him to OT for a dx.
He has a squishy seat he sits on and has a heavy turtle that sits on his lap, these the school supplies so he can be sat reasonable quiet.
I feel for you it's not what you want to hear on the first day.
I know my son is not up to speed in his class but the teachers and helpers are doing their best.
Good luck, if she continues to be negative I would go and speak to your SENCO or head teacher.
08-09-2012, 12:35 PM |
J's mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
Jaffa, I'm glad you are in a supportive environment. I hope my school will be too. Second day went a little better because the school OT came and spent a lot of time with her and informed me that they will be trying out different things with my daughter such as fidget items and a break area for her in the classroom. I didn't get to talk to the teacher after school so I didn't get to hear her impression of how the day went, but thank goodness the OT came to see her! I just wish her teacher had not been so negative on the first day of school. OT did say that #1 thing my dtr has to do is realize that there are rules that she needs to follow, which I definitely agree, but that in itself is a challenge too because my dtr seems to lack some basic common sense, and I feel like a lot of times, she just doesn't "get it!" I'm a bit more hopeful now that she's going to get some help, but I know it will be a long and difficult road for my little one.
08-09-2012, 05:29 PM |
Posts: 21
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
oh I'm so glad today was a bit better! Hooray for the OT 
I hope each day gets a little better!
Maybe the teacher just had a bad first day too... hopefully she finds her own cool.
mom of
Bryce (5)
Chase (3)
One without / one with SPD. Both perfect.
08-09-2012, 06:34 PM |
J's mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
Yes, thank you all for listening. It means a lot and I'm so glad I have this forum to turn to!
08-09-2012, 07:06 PM |
Posts: 112
Joined: Oct 2011
RE: Bad 1st day of school
J's mum am glad you had OT in to see her. My son sometimes doesn't "get it" either. These kids don't have a sign on their heads to say what is wrong and to others look like everyone else (fortunately) people think they are just naughty. Now we know that that is not the problem so we have to keep reminding them all that our kiddoes are special. They don't live our loves in our shoes with these kids so they need to listen to us about what they can and can't do. They will get there eventually. Keep smiling.
08-13-2012, 02:34 PM |
Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Bad 1st day of school
My son struggles at school too. We had a rough couple of weeks, but things are getting better. My son's teacher has been given a list of activities that my son should do in the classroom when he seems to be getting out of whack (my terminology). For example, when he starts acting out she has him carry a stack of books, or take a note to another teacher, or she even gives him some sour candy that she has at her desk. There is a great list of things for kids with spd that they can do at school to help them cope. I would suggest giving her a list of those.
08-30-2012, 05:42 AM |