RE: I need help with my son.
First, get a consistant schedule going for him. Try and figure out what his triggers are, clothing, sounds, smells, etc... Watch what sets him off, when he is beginning to have a meltdown do you try to grab ahold of him and he gets worse? ( My son would flip out!) That is because he does not like being touched. He cannot get to sleep probaby because he cannot selfsoothe. My son would be flip floping all night. Weight blankets, maybe tigher pj's ( under armor is something that my son's OT suggested) Find a different way to get him to wait, make up a game get picture cards and hold one up that shows a clock. Patience is something that SPD kids do not have! I know mine does not!!! SO asking him to wait a second or whatever is like asking him to wear sandpaper. Remember to put yourself in his shoes, check the textures of his clothes, my son will NOT wear denim, smells things that only a wolf can smell, ears like an eagle. Chnges and transitions are huge as well, sometimes advance notice of what is going to be going on wil help, make him his own picture board, he can take the picture card off after a task is done. Picture cards for transition, these can be found for free online, clear contact paper, and a metal ring. Get a stop sign picture card, a clock, etc... whatever fits into your schedule. FIgure out a differnt warning system for punishment, the stop light system etc.. A lot of visual. I personally make my son do push-ups, the deep pressure helps and he hates them. ahahahaha anyway... If he is a sensory seeker , hyper, can't sleep at night, A LOT of heavy work during the day. If you grocery shop, let him carry the milk in. Remember that different adjustments will cause differnt behaviors, these transitions take time for them to adjust to. See if you can get OT help, Out of Sync books are great, they have great ideas for differnt games and things to help with these issues. I learnd tons from my sons former OT and just by reading all kinds of books. Watching how my son reacts to different situations and I was able to find out what set him off, what didn't and tried to incorporate that. Remember tho life is life and we do have to know how to deal with changes, so that cannot be avoided. Socialization is very important and is something that is very hard at times for SPD kids. Don't get frustrated, we are all here for you. It will take time but you can do it. LEt him carry the diaper bag, I am sure that is heavy! lol Write any time we have all been through it, are new to it everyday with new behaviors you and your children will be ok!!!!! Have a great day!