Posts: 2
Joined: Nov 2012
Hello everyone!
My name is Tiffany, and I am new to pretty much everything. My son (Brendan) was just diagnosed with SPD, yesterday afternoon. We have been seeing specialist since June, and after months and months of testing, this was the result, along with Anxiety and OCD. He will be three on December 2nd. From the time he was born, He never wanted to be held, loved on, snuggled, swaddled, swung, nothing. I just thought he just wasn't as lovable as my daughter was. When he was 1, and really started talking, he started saying ouch and would just scream if we suddenly touched him. He is currently in Daycare, and his teacher is GREAT with him, and noticed that he plays alone, or is ok playing with kids as long as they are close, but not too close.
Long story short, that's what it is. They also informed me yesterday that his gross motor skills are very very very behind, which they say is common for kids with SPD. His developmental skills are a few months behind as well. I was hysterical, but knew it was coming when his doctor mentioned it, earlier. I googled it and he has MOST of the systems. So now offf I go to learn. I do have a few questions so off I go to find the question area on here.....
11-01-2012, 05:22 PM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Ok, I can tell you first !!! Good for you, get the OT started, early intervention is EVERYTHING! My son was the same way wanted to be held so bad but could not tolerate it! Couldn't self soothe, played alone, was obessive, he is a sensory seeker, very hyper,we were so fortunate to get some of the best therapists ever! They saved him! He is very loving and loves to be hugged, ( I don't have to ask permission every one else has to!)lol weighted blankets, be aware of textures of clothing, smells, start working on social skills that is hard for them. Keep your eyes peeled for differnt reactions in different settings so you can be aware before a meltdown erupts! Gross motor, I will look through my stuff and ask some OT friends of mine. Don't worry you came to the best support site you could have found! There are a lot of caring people on here that will help! Anytime you feel the least bit frustrated post!!!!!!!
11-01-2012, 07:16 PM |
Jerry Stein
Posts: 16
Joined: Oct 2012
Hey Tiffany. Your post sounds a lot like my son. Every day you learn more about them. You will have to forgive me for not being able to make a long post, but I look forward to exchanging stories and help with you.
11-02-2012, 10:40 PM |
Posts: 299
Joined: Jul 2012
Please forgive me, everyone, for sounding like a broken record, but you have to check out this book! It's so comprehensive, gives detailed instructions on how to handle "issues" with SPD kids, and even has a chapter just for parents.
Effective Parenting for the Hard-To-Manage Child by Degangi & Kendall
11-04-2012, 11:34 PM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Keep saying it! Then I will finally write it down! lol Thanks!
11-05-2012, 08:31 AM |