I had to wrestle abby (my cat) into her carrier to get her to her vet appointment this afternoon ... the poor thing always gets very stressed becuase she can tell she's was going to the vet - but it was worse today. I was trying to call taxi but couldn't get through - tried for 15 minutes when I did get through and had to listen to loud advertisements ...Abby started clawing and scratching along the textured hard plastic floor of her carrier! this, sound and similar sounds (e.g accidental scratching or scraping of seat-belt like material, scrapping of cutlery on plates, etc) make both my ears / ear drums hurt so badly - its almost paralyzing - pain goes right through my head..can really feel it deep in my ear drums! but also neck/shoulders and skin on back crawls.. I always end up snapping and becoming uncontrollably angry, which always scares me a little because I pretty much have no temper, and don't really get angry, and am definitely not violent. At two hours later my ears were still sore/irritated (nothing like the intense pain while the noise is there). It's now 5 hours later and my ears have settled a bit..but still very sensitive....and im still a bit grumpy, and am vrey exhausted

...its 8.20pm here...and I *feel* like I haven't slept in 2 days... I know if I go to bed too early I have trouble staying asleep all night....must...stay...awake little...longer!! (so pathetic! im 25 years old... and I want go to bed the same time as toddlers and the elderly
Oh also I agree Raven - children screaming/crying - it must be the pitch and volume but it makes me want to run for the nearest exit...or yell at the kid... which would be.. not ..good... haha its not the child's fault...
And yes - people chewing, kissing or slurping - gets a similar response - end up feeling like a pressure cooker!
(unfortunately I am a serial offender of eating with my mouth open (however don't often notice much sound) - cant seem to figure out how to eat/chew food and get air at the same time - but only because from birth my nasal passage way has been extremely narrow inside, and I find trying to breathe through my nose almost impossible - when I try - don't get enough air - end up gasping for air after (imagine trying to breathe through a very skinny straw as only source of oxygen... so yes..unfortunately I am a mouth breather as it works for me haha)
Other things are pets cleaning themselves (more annoyed response than a 'cant stand it' response...OH and I hate really sharp, whistley S's when people talk
but none of these things really cause the same ..well..yes I would say extreme pain, that scraping, scratching sound gives me .. (except that horrible loud, high pitched, coloured bar-code thing they used to put at the very end of VHS tapes...thank goodness for DVDs)
Cats have acute vision, they have 200 million scent receptors,
can hear 1 octave above the range of a dog
and can be easily overwhelmed by touch.