New... some advice please
Hi, I just found this group! So glad I have. This will be wordy, I'm sorry, but I have so many questions.
I'm a SAHM to a 5 year old boy who was diagnosed with SPD a couple months ago. We're still waiting for his OT to start, though they did his full sensory profile.
I'll admit... I go back and forth. Some days I can see it, and it's hard, and then I'll be talking to someone else, trying to explain things, and they make me feel like, "Oh all boys do that! All kids have fears!" and then I think we're overreacting.
He has so many issues, but so many people look at just pieces here and there and think, "So what? My son doesn't like having his hair washed either!" or "Meh, my son's loud too!".
We got his profile results back and I'd like to share them and get some input if I can, these were his areas of difficulty:
Auditory Processing - definite more, Visual Processing - probable more, Vestibular Processing - definite more, Tactile Processing - definite more, Multisensory Processing - probable more, Oral Processing - probable more
Sensory Processing related to Endurance/Tone - probable more, Modulation of Movement Affecting Activity Level - probable more,
Modulation of Visual input affecting Emotional Responses & Activity Level - probable more
Emotional/Social Responses - probable more
Then his 9 Classification scores were:
Sensory Seeking = probable more, Emotionally Reactive - probable more, Low Endurance/Tone - probable more, Oral Sensitivity - probable more, Inattention/Distractibility - definite more, Sedentary - definite more
Then his Quadrant scores were:
Registration, Seeking, Sensitivity, Avoiding - all were definite more.
So what does all of that mean? What's the difference between the classification scores and quadrants? How can you be seeking and avoiding at the same time? He seems to have a lot of areas that are problems... and yet, most people don't see it.