Posts: 10
Joined: Nov 2012
I was just wondering how many of you do a sensory diet for your children? Do you find it helps? How often do you do the activities, what sort of things do you do?
12-08-2012, 12:39 PM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
I have gotten a little lax because our days are so busy, but I am consistant with the behavioral chart, I used to do a lot of the picture cards. It does help because these kids are so structured, I keep his morning routine the same and his after school routine is pretty much the same, sometimes it gets a little off task which he does not like but life is not perfect so it is a learning lesson on unexpected things. My friend uses picture cards every morning for her daughter for her routine when she wakes up , this is the only way she can get ready for school. You need to read your child and figure out what works best for you, but it does work.
12-08-2012, 03:02 PM |
Posts: 299
Joined: Jul 2012
We use the following activities pretty regularly, not daily but usually every week:
1. Listening therapy
2. Hippity hop
3. Swinging in a blanket with an adult on each end holding the corners
4. Playing in a large container of rice with assorted spoons and cups
5. Squishing with a pillow
6. Firm squeezes/hugs
7. Carrying or moving heavy things
8. Encourage summersaults, spinning, dancing
9. Chewelry, biter
10. Electric toothbrush
11. At school she sits on a balance cushion
12. Outdoor play an absolute necessity--sand box, swinging, running, playground
Yes, it all helps. There have been some other things we've tried that either didn't seem to work or she said they bothered her, so we stopped them (Wilbarger brushing protocol, vibrating hair brush, making large circles with her arms, drinking thick things through a straw)
What do you do?
12-09-2012, 11:25 PM |
Posts: 39
Joined: Jan 2012
I do my own sensory diet every day. Heavy work, brushing, trampoline.
There is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out. -- James Randi
12-12-2012, 10:08 PM |