Hi there. Welcome to the site.
Yes, I think it certainly does sound like SPD to me. The clothing, touch, and eating issues are all pretty trademark to having sensory defensiveness in the tactile and gustatory (taste) senses. I understand this can be pretty scary to learn about and hard to deal with, but coping with this is quite possible!
I guess the first question is to ask yourself how badly this is effecting you at this point. It sounds like it's effecting you a good deal, but it's important to ask yourself and move from there. The way to diagnose and treat Sensory Processing Disorder is through an occupational therapist (OT). Have you considered trying to find one? It can be hard to find one who is great and willing and able to help an adult with sensory issues, but it can certainly be done.
Take time to research this and get to know as much about it as you can. Even if you don't have an OT, it can be crucial to find out how this effects you and then to learn ways to help cope with the difficulties it creates. It is possible to, even as an adult, begin to treat SPD and see benefits.
Again, welcome to SPD Support. I hope you are able to get what you need out of being a member here.