SPD is making my life miserable!
Hello, my name is Juile and my youngest daughter has spd. Lately it is controlling our lives! She is 5 years old and we are experiencing multiple daily melt downs. The last few weeks has been busy, with school starting for my other kids, her two brothers are both in football, games, practices, church events etc. the busier we are, the more meltdowns we deal with.
I can't take her into stores, we don't go to family gatherings, it is controlling our lives!
I love her so much, she is the youngest of 6, so we are not new parents. But I feel powerless as to how to help her through this.
She gets overwhelmed very easily, deals with tactile sensitivities as well as auditory and some with foods.
We were asked to leave 2 daycares this past year due to her meltdowns and their inability to decrease sensory input in her environment, as a result of this, I quit my job, work only weekends now and am homeschooling her.
I love being home with her, I really do, but I always feel like we are walking on egg shells and I just don't know what to do any more.
Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions are very welcome!