Posts: 11
Joined: Nov 2010
RE: SPD or OCD (or maybe both)?
Yeah, the little movies are just lovely. >< I've had my share of those, heh. I'll throw out a new one I used to have... I used to have a pet box turtle I was very fond of. Whenever I was holding her, or about to, I would sometimes get a movie of me dropping her, cracking her shell and killing her. Quite a troubling thought.  Luckily, I never did drop her.
About OCD and SPD, very interesting. I've been told I may have mild OCD, but many of my obsessive behaviors are linked to sensory issues. Makes me wonder how many people out there are living with the false knowledge of having OCD, when they actually have SPD.
02-23-2011, 02:18 PM |
Posts: 9
Joined: Mar 2011
RE: SPD or OCD (or maybe both)?
I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as well but I think I likely have SPD (possibly in addition to the anxiety disorder.) Having said that, it may not be a bad idea to meet with the psychiatrist at least once or twice and go from there.
Up until a few weeks ago I'd thought that everyone gets those "movies" (or sometimes I get snap-shots.) Then I mentioned one to my husband and he had no idea what I was talking about. lol. I honestly thought it was normal to have a disturbing picture or scene play out over and over again in my head.
03-04-2011, 09:24 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: SPD or OCD (or maybe both)?
I get "daydreams" all the time, although they don't happen as often when I have had 8 hours of sleep a night consistantly.
They tend to be short, a few seconds to 5 minutes, and incredibly vivid. Full 3D picture and surround sound. Some are fun, but enough of them are more on the disturbing edge. Like being hit by a train when the teacher in the class said "Now your train of thought should be..." It is usually some mix of what is going on around me and some random dream.
03-05-2011, 09:24 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: SPD or OCD (or maybe both)?
Catherine, sometimes mine are just snapshots too. They happen in just an instant.
Mine are never fun. Always about something horrible.
When I had told my former psychologist about them, she kept asking me if I'd get "stuck." I told her no, but she kept trying to get me "unstuck" from the supposed OCD thoughts. She'd ask what I did after I had the thought/movie, and I'd say that I continued what I was doing. If I had a movie about falling down the stairs while holding my infant son and crushing him at the bottom, I kept going though I might hold the railing a little tighter. If I was having a bridge one, I'd keep driving but grip the wheel a bit tighter. 99% of the time I keep going but my heart is racing a mile a minute.
I bet there're a lot of people who think they are OCD when they're actually SPD.
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
07-04-2011, 11:01 PM |