Hi there,
I have ended up on this site as I am almost at my wits end and I'm looking for a little advice

Our darling daughter is 4 and has always had quirky ways eg I've always had to cut labels out of her tops, meltdown due to bumps in socks (seams), shoes have to be on so tight after several attempts, complains of scratchy materials, extremely high pain tolerance, always on the go, frequent tantrums/meltdowns and so the list goes on..
However, since starting pre school this year, her behaviour has got worse. It took her several weeks to settle at school with uniform, new rules etc and during that period she was unbearable to live with and to a degree this has continued (albeit she seems to be getting on well now at school)
My problem is my beloved husband together with close family and the couple of friends i have confided in just tell me she is in need of discipline and will grow out of it.. Particularly as the meltdowns and behaviour issues tend to only happen when I am around..
My interpretation, rightly or wrongly after doing a bit of research, is there is more to her behaviour..
Typically DD takes everything out on me (again, I'm around her the most) but it is just so draining..it feels like everything is a battle.. At present it feels I'm unable to do anything right. Whatever I try results in a meltdown and her being physically vile to me..(hitting/pushing etc)
I am beginning to wonder if everyone around me is right and our child is just so naughty and I need to be stricter with her?
I'm also worried as our poor son (6 yo) has less of my time as most of it is taken up by attempting to reason etc with his sibling

Does this story sound familiar to anyone???
I'm so sorry if this post sounds like " it's all about mom"! It certainly wasn't meant to. All I want is for a happy family life for all of us, especially poor DD...
She is such a bright spark, is extremely cute and can be so delightful (at times). She is also extremely arty and can lose herself in drawing for long periods.. This is great until I draw the heart wrong (or whatever other shape she demands I draw)!
Look forward to exploring this site and hopefully getting some answers..
Thank you in advance..