Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2010
I have a 4-year-old boy that has SPD. In March, I started a GF diet for him after doing extensive research. There have been no infractions in the last 4 months (that I am aware of). He has not been tested for Celiac or shown any specific intolerance, however, I felt that changing his diet might help with his sensory issues. He is a sensory seeker, tactile under-responsive (most of the time).
The last few days have been really difficult. He has been crying over every little thing (things that normally would not elicit such a response) and I am not sure why. He has no illness that I can see. He usually has his "sensory days" as I call them, when he has more tactile & auditory sensitivity than usual, but it isn't every day. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between "typical" 4-year-old behavior and SPD-driven behaviors.
I know with GF it can take as long as 6 months to see noticeable changes, but I haven't really seen any differences in his behavior thus far, and I am questioning myself on why I even attempted this in the first place. We are at the 4-month mark and I hate to stop GF if I am only 2 months away from seeing improvement. I guess my question for anyone is: should I continue with GF or is it time to throw in the towel?
He had weekly OT during the school year, but now that school is out he is in daycare and I cannot afford to pay for private OT sessions. I provide as much OT at home as I can.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sharon in NJ
06-23-2010, 02:09 PM |