Colorless Rain
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 2012
RE: Hello, figured I'd introduce myself
Thanks for the suggestions! There are copies of all the books you mentioned, I'll have to wait until they get checked back in.
As for the Asperger's, like I said I'm really not sure if I have it or not. Some of the things that match though, are things such as not making eye contact, needing to follow a schedule, and just the ones that fit SPD as well. Some people have commented that I toss my head a lot when I'm sitting still, but I've never really paid attention or noticed it. I don't have really any of the difficulties like understanding social cues and keeping conversations going with others. I usually avoid these situations, but if I'm forced into them then I do just fine. From what I've read that seems to be a major part of the diagnosis though. I brought it up with the psychologist and they said that it fit just like SPD did, but focused on the SPD after the first time we met and never really gave me an answer one way or the other.
As for your suggestions about the diet, I'll have to see about some sort of diet. I'm probably fine right now since there's always something around the house that doesn't bother me and hopefully I can hold out until I start living on campus, I seem to do better there. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by pressure helping. It feels worse to get tapped lightly on the shoulder than it does to get hit in my opinion. My joints never feel out of place that I'm aware of, it just feels like my skin's crawling if someone touches me or I touch something. As for hard work, I am less likely to react as badly to touch if I'm tired out, I haven't really paid attention to eating after hard work, I'll have to see. As for getting rid of the feeling, it generally goes away if I rub the spot or scratch it as I said before. I only ever really have a problem if my fingers dry out and they can't slide against each other. They sort of catch on each other, if that makes any sense. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by positive rather than negative.
I do actually really like having more weight in a blanket and in the winter I'll have several layers of blankets on at once. I can't do that in the summer because it gets in the 80s though. I'll have to see about a weighted blanket, that might be a fun crochet project.
Thanks again.
08-15-2012, 04:53 PM |