Posts: 8
Joined: Sep 2012
My 3 1/2 year old's Co-Op teacher suggested we get evaluated for SPD when she was having trouble having my son sit in circle time (which was only occasionally b/c sometimes he did fine). She felt he was overwhelmed in class. I found it hard to understand b/c I felt like he was really thriving. (It's a Co-Op where he's been since an infant and this last year I would attend w/him one day and another day drop him off and other parents stayed). I asked some other Moms in class about his behavior and they were just as confused. Anyway, we take him to the doctor and she doesn't really say anything just to get him evaluated. We get him evaluated and I include a write up from his teacher. The OT suggests coming 1-2x/week, but doesn't really give me any diagnosis. Our insurance will pay for 45 sessions so I figure it can't hurt to go until I figure out what is going on.
We've been going 2x/week since June and I have no clue what is going on. I've read Out of Sync child and I am not seeing how my son fits into this. At first I thought I was just in denial and not truthfully going through the check-list. It's been 2 months and I re-read it and I'm still confused b/c I don't see any connection. I feel like the doctor and the OT are taking the teachers concerns more seriously than mine. I am a stay-at-home Mom and I am with my son almost 24/7 except for the 4 hours/week that he is in Co-Op. I am feeling like the OT is frustrated with me and I feel like I'm frustrating her with all my questions.
We've been going for almost 3 months now, and I feel so lost, confused and alone. I don't know what to do. I'm thrilled to find this site b/c I just need to talk to other parents who are going through this. I just don't know what to do. Do I continue with OT in the hopes of getting more information? Do I go back to our pediatrician for an explanation? I just don't know what to do.
I feel like this whole thing has caused me to doubt my instincts about my son and now I'm questioning every thing he does and worrying is it normal. I'm so sorry to be so long-winded. It's just this is the first place I've had to finally vent.
09-09-2012, 08:44 PM |