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When anxiety leads to negative obsessions.
Had no clue where else I could post this so I figured I'd share it with you all. Maybe some of you can relate, or maybe you can see it in your kids if you're a parent.
Quote:As if it's not already obvious by my other posts, I struggle with anxiety. Day to day basis, to be honest. There's not more than a few hours a day that go by without me anxiously worrying over something or another. I don't get the physical symptoms daily unless something comes up (such as needing to leave the house and interact with people), but I'm constantly worrying and obsessing.
But these aren't the "good" obsessions. They're not the fun obsessive interests that calm me down and let me feel like me, or that get things done. These are the ones that tear me apart inside. I will obsess over the tiniest of details leading up to an event until it actually happens, and only then will I either calm down or go into overdrive and near panic mode. Usually the latter, I've just gotten a bit better at masking it over time. If I don't obsess, then I am much much more likely to break down or meltdown into a full anxiety attack. Hyperventilating, sobbing, stimming and difficulty speaking included. Feels like I got run over by a truck.
Let's take last week as an example. I was referred to a therapist for my social anxiety, but we had to sit down and talk about what exactly my anxiety encompassed. I had no clue what to expect when I got there. I was referred to see someone named 'Travis', but I ended up getting 'Autumn'. I didn't know if the lady I briefly talked to on the phone was going to be my therapist. I assumed she was a secretary.
So as to not spam the board, the rest of the post can be read here at my blog:
However, I feel like using this as a discussion as well as a blog boost. :p How does anxiety manifest in you guys or your kids? What's your version of an anxiety attack? Stuff like that.
<Mako>I see one sila caring loving girl whos a lil shy + scared on the inside but has a giant heart ^-^

Highly suspected/Being evaluated for: ADHD & Autism.
Also have SPD, GAD, and an annoying speech impediment.
09-21-2012, 08:51 PM |