Posts: 15
Joined: Oct 2012
Disciplining an Extremely Sensitive SPD Child?
Hi All! I'm new to the board. I'm a mom to a 4.5 year old little boy who was diagnosed with SPD when he was 2 years old. He was in OT for two years. We took a 6 month break because he had to be admitting to a pediatric feeding program to help him eat. He would have chosen to starve rather than eat, which was becoming a problem when he stopped growing. Now that the program is over, we thought we had jumped through the majority of our hurdles. HA! Yeah riiiiight! Six months out of OT and starting a new school, and he experienced a SEVERE regression!!! Least to say, we are back in OT, as well as behavior therapy/counseling. He does well in school; he rises to the social norm. But when he gets home, he unleashes on me. It's like it's all he can do to survive the day, and then he just releases all of that on me as soon as he gets home  He is very sensitive when it comes to discipline, but I do not believe in not discipling due to his SPD. I need to find a gentle way that I can discipline him but not send him into an emotional meltdown that takes 30 minutes to recover from. If I send him to his room or put him in time out, he starts biting himself or hitting himself. If I count (1-2-3), he totally freaks out. If I raise my voice or change my tone to a stern tone of voice, he loses it to the point he can't stop crying. It just accelerates to the point where he almost makes himself throw up. I'm at a loss!!!! What do you guys do???? I am trying positive reinforcement right now - he gets 10 minutes of iPad game time with 1 hour of good behavior. It's exhausting, but he is so unstable that it takes 1 hour intervals just to give him an opportunity for success. Any advice?
10-14-2012, 10:10 PM |