Posts: 1
Joined: Jun 2013
One of my very first memories is having a huge tantrum because my dad put my socks on wrong and the seam was rubbing on my toes. I always had to wear them inside out or they would hurt. As a child I was an extremely picky eater. I have always known there is something not quite right, but just put it down to a quirk of character as for the most part it never stopped me from living a normal life.
One of my big things is touch, and that has never changed. I don't like people touching me. The thought of strangers touching me makes me all panicky and even as I child I didn't like hugs or kisses from my mum or dad.
I am married now and have two beautiful little girls and touch is still an issue. I find myself getting angry when one of my children tries to hug me or even just sits right up close. I hate that I get angry, and I want to be able to kiss and cuddle them without that conscious effort to stay calm. It is wearing.
I started looking online and came across SPd and it rang some bells and I am hoping to find a way to help me so that kissing and cuddling my daughters isn't so much of a stressor for me.
06-20-2013, 09:57 AM |