Posts: 2
Joined: Jul 2013
Daughter has sensory defensiveness
My daughter is 7 and we just started OT after a year of being on a waiting list. We are supposed to be doing brushing every 2 hours which has been hard. My daughter fights it and hides the brushes. She has huge problems with clothes--mainly underwear and has "drips" after she pees. She screams and cries that the drips bother her so much. She sneaks diapers out of our baby's room just because they feel comfortable. We finally agreed she could use pads instead but this still doesn't help. She also hates brushing her teeth, lotion, etc and lies to get out of it. There is nothing wet after she pees but she can feel it. I have no idea what else to do but brushing and OT haven't been extremely helpful yet. She says she isn't normal and isn't like other kids. It breaks my heart that she feels this way, no matter how much I tell her that I love her because of all of the ways she is unique.
This website has been so helpful already and the article on the meltdowns hit very close to home...
Thanks for the support or ideas.
07-01-2013, 02:34 AM |