Dennis' mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2010
Hi can anyone tell me if they know why a person would meltdown seeing someone point,wave,lick their fingers,i.e.,anything to do with hand gestures or movements?????Acts like it is a threat to them!!!!Let me knowThanks,Dennis' mom
09-21-2010, 10:18 AM |
Posts: 15
Joined: Apr 2010
A lot of movement in my Field of View will do it for me. My brain tries to focus on everything and I go totally nuts. I don't think it's that one thing, it's it all combined.
What helps for me is my cap, if it all gets too much I look down and the vizer blocks the view.
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~ G.K. Chesterton
09-21-2010, 02:41 PM |
Posts: 218
Joined: Jun 2010
Ditto to that, although I've never tried the cap before. Thanks for the suggestion. I do something similar when I'm driving; I always have the visors down as low as I can get them and still see the lights, etc.
For me, hands are even harder than some other objects. Perhaps it's an emotional thing, perhaps not, but having hands move near me, particularly quickly, always makes me feel threatened. And those people that think it's funny to clap their hands in your face to startle you or something similar are likely to see a monster they didn't expect if they try it on me. Why? Maybe because the content can seem so "hazardous." I guess it doesn't really matter in my case; bottom line is, I don't let people do it around me without a serious talking to. Of course, in the case of my two year old doing these things to me, hands always seem to end up in my face, so perhaps that's part of why it's very annoying to me right now.
09-21-2010, 04:28 PM |
Dennis' mom
Posts: 4
Joined: Sep 2010
Thanks for the reply,see when Dennis sees someone wave or point first,he looks away then starts to imitate the gesture over and over thats the part I don't get.When someone touches him by accident even lightly (except me)he acts like he wants to hurt them ALOT!Also,he will wait for the right opportunity to touch them back-in a sneaky way like give them something etc.Does this sound like anything you have heard of.?Dennis' mom
09-21-2010, 06:49 PM |
Posts: 15
Joined: Apr 2010
It sounds like someone who is very sensory defensive.
Quote:Tactile Defensiveness
If a person is an over-responder to tactile sensations, they are referred to as tactile defensive, and their brain will not accurately perceive touch sensations. Their brains may not gait touch sensations, so they may be sent into fight or flight over very small, everyday touch sensations. Being bumped, nudged, or poked unexpectedly, especially if the person or object that is touching them cannot be seen or otherwise anticipated, can send them into an uncontrollable and inappropriate fight or flight response. Without expecting the touch, their brain may interpret it incorrectly as a threat, which can cause them to startle easily, jump away, or even lash out at someone for touching them. Getting splashed by water or having an unexpected or unwanted change in temperature can also lead to a fight or flight response. Small changes in outside temperature and wind speed are often noticeable and can have a large effect. Their eyes might also be very sensitive and they will often need to blink at the slightest amount of cold wind.
Their brain will also have a hard time habituating certain touch sensations. A clothing tag can lead to constant agitation, and is often said to 'feel like an irremovable spider'. Stitching in seems may feel like thousands of needles poking into the skin, as every stitch can be felt as irritating, creating a burning sensation. People with tactile defensiveness have a hard time finding socks, underwear, and shirts as the seams are actually perceived as painful. Most clothes will feel too tight, and cause a sensation of being overheated, which becomes almost impossible not to focus on. They will often fidget with and adjust their clothing. While alone, they may prefer nudity, although even a slight breeze can also be perceived as agitating against the skin. Deep pressure against the skin can be helpful, but light touch is always perceived as burning, tickling, or scratching. This may cause a withdrawal from intimacy, or may lead to them only wanting it on their terms. Tactile defensives will often avoid gritty sensations, such as sand and dirt. It may also take a very long time to get used to water temperature when they go swimming and their face may feel as though it is burning when it is underwater. Poor hygiene, caused by aggravation during skin washing, bathing, hair washing, hair cutting and brushing, nail clipping, deodorant, and shaving, frequently occur.
Copied from with permission.
Quote:Visual Defensiveness
Hypersensitivities in vision are numerous and can highly impair a person's functioning. One of the most commonly mentioned visual sensitivities is the sensitivity to light. Florescent lighting and any higher level of lighting can be distressing, causing a person need to blink or squint their eyes constantly. Many sufferers will have difficulty focusing on sunny days, and may even prefer dark, gloomy days, during which they have an easier time focusing. A sudden presence or changing of lighting, especially flashing lights, can cause a person with light sensory defensiveness to startle into fight or flight, or cause a generally high level of stress. A hypersensitivity to visual tracking and processing can cause a patient to become fearful, distressed, and anxious whenever there is a quick sudden movement, or if they try to track a slow moving object through their visual field. They may also be sensitive to colors, which can make everything appear incredibly vibrant, causing a potential overload. Their eyes will also have a hard time habituating movement and light. It may take longer, or be impossible, for the eyes to adjust to a change in lighting, or for them not to be distracted and irritated by background movement and flashing. They may need to often retreat to dark, unmoving places and sleep in a room without any light. Headaches are also common and sufferers will often rub their eyes, which may water frequently.
Copied from with permission.
I hope those bits of info help.
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~ G.K. Chesterton
09-21-2010, 07:38 PM |
Posts: 218
Joined: Jun 2010
And just my two bits... light touch is often far worse that heavier touch, at least in my experience.
09-21-2010, 09:07 PM |
Posts: 342
Joined: Jun 2010
Irlen Lenses help with the hand waving. At least they help me with it. I think it has to do with how light shifts at the locations where the hands are moving quickly that triggers the problem for me. Hand waving in front of my eyes (when I am not wearing the Irlen Lenses) will stun me into place.
I am also Tactile Sensitive. Light touches are incredibly painful. It is hard to not think people are trying to hurt you. For me the pain is similar to ramming my toe into something. If someone lightly touches me on the shoulder, experience a major pain burst, I will crumple to the ground paralyzed. Heavy touches are actually desired and are pleasant.
09-23-2010, 04:03 AM |