RE: What does it feel like to you?
Bad things: (tactile) touching metal, touching cold things, insect repellent, makeup, certain clothes, clothes too tight on my neck, getting wet unexpectedly, lotion, sand, soil, unpredictable touch, touching or being near people, light touch from anything or anyone, grass, wind, bare skin
(auditory) anything too loud, chewing sounds, sudden noises, crowd noise
(oral) when I eat, when I drink milk, when I go to the dentist
(olfactory) fish smell
(visual) seeing movement, eye contact
When I touch metal or cold things, I recoil back from them. If I have to touch something, like a doorknob, then I grip it tightly to try to counteract the awful feeling.
When I wear certain cothes that itch, I just take them off right after I put them on. When shirts are too tight around my neck, I pull them away and tug them down.
When I get wet, I wipe it off as fast as I can. If my clothes get wet, I want to take them off, but that is rarely appropriate. I try to get the wetness away from my skin.
When I touch sand, I try to get away from it.
Unpredictable touch gets me into a fight or flight mode. Sometimes I hit; sometimes I scream; sometimes I run.
When I touch a person or get light touch, I try to rub my skin where I was touched. The sensation of the initial touch stays with me for way too long.
Grass feels really prickly. I can't stand to touch my bare legs to it. It hurts so much.
With sand, unpredictable touch, and wind, I whimper.
Having shorts on just makes me pull away from everything and want to curl up in a ball. I feel attacked.
I want to cover my ears when things are too loud. I tend to stare at the source of sound, hoping someone will notice my distress.
Sometimes eating off of silverware feels cold and unnatuaral. Drinking milk feels horrible sometimes. The dentist is absolutely terrible, as it is for any orally defensive person. I get the chills at the dentist.
The smell of fish makes me wnt to leave the area.
Sometimes I close my eyes from visual oversimulation. I shy away from eye contact the vast majority of the time. It is frightening.
Some of these reactions depend on the day, as my senses seem to be temperamental.