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Joined: Nov 2012
need help for 7.5 year old son
Dear All,
My son shows the following sensory probelm, i am not sure whether these can be called disorder:
1. he is selective mute in school, his drawing school and swimming school.
2. However he is hyper at home and at public places.
3. He has a habit of rubbing his hands on a bedcover,
4. he hates water tickle from a shower on his face.
5. he has a habit of beating others.
6. He has very disturbed and erratic sleep pattern.
Can anybody help me with proper advise?
best regards,
11-03-2012, 07:27 AM |
Jerry Stein
Posts: 16
Joined: Oct 2012
RE: need help for 7.5 year old son
Have you had your son formally evaluated? You describe what sounds like sensory issues, but perhaps other things as well. The lack of communication at school is important, I think.
My standard reply to people that are having a difficult time trying to figure out their child is to have their child evaluated by a professional who may see things you did not and may be able to pinpoint what is going on more easily than a parent who has never dealt with this sort of thing before. For us, an evaluation was key and it came with many recommendations for how to help.
11-04-2012, 04:21 AM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
RE: need help for 7.5 year old son
Definately, get an eval then you can find the proper avenues to help your son. Early intervention is so inportant. My son went through Easter Seals but that only goes through age of 3, then I took him to a private OT, I also had him diagnosed by a developemental Neuro at CHildrens Mem. a peditrician can't do any of this and sometimes they think it is something else or nothig at all. In the mean time to calm the hyper activity down have him do heavy work; help drag the laundry basket, carry teh milk in from grocery store, wieghted blanket, heavy backpack, etc. Before you go somewhere let hm run outside somewhere, the beating of others can be impulse issues ( my son is known for that) my son will misinterpert someone bumping into him for intentionally hitting him and watch out! He has gotten better about it except for with his brother. The erratic sleep pattern can be from being a sensory seeker and cannot self soothe again weighted blankets help with that maybe a different material for bedding. Have a great Sunday and everythig will be ok, get an eval then you will know where to go from there. THere are several books for 'games" to do with SPD kids to help with these issues as well, The Out of CHild has fun is one, I have 101 Games and activities for CHildren with SPD. I don't know what to say about being a seslective mute, my son never stops talking, that is something else he gets into trouble for at school as well. lol SO... I don't know if it is proper advise but it is what has worked for my son and other friends of mine with kids with SPD. Talk to you soon!
11-04-2012, 08:04 AM |
Posts: 299
Joined: Jul 2012
RE: need help for 7.5 year old son
11-04-2012, 03:17 PM |