Posts: 2
Joined: May 2013
so glad to know im not just crazy and weird so hi
hmm where to start? Well it all started mostly when i was 4 i got to the points that i couldn't eat much. That's because i would get sick at my stomach, and nothing would stay down hardly . I'm 23 now so at the time no one new why. I was finally diagnosed with spd earlier this year. The more i read up on it the more and more i understand myself and the many problems I have. It's almost funny because i can see certain small symptoms in both sides of my family. So im guessing i just got a severe case. Back to my story though. Growing up before i became a teenager i was always over sensitive and outcasted myself not talking to many people.
When i became a teen i became bad rebellious. My paranoia and my emotions especially mt temper just grew worst over the years. I was told i had a rebellious problem that it would pass. But now years later certain all my symptoms got worse. I know can still not eat no meats vegies fruits or breads and very very few junk foods. I can explain that more if asked. If i even think of a sound or texture it hurts physically. My temper, paranoia, eating, anxiety attacks and others (i have a hard time thinkin clearly most of the time ) have only grown more severe as years go by. i would like to talk to anyone who has any of these symptoms. Even if you dont i may have more that i havent seen or relized is connected to spd
Michael Keasler , from east texas
05-25-2013, 10:02 PM |
Posts: 67
Joined: Feb 2013
RE: so glad to know im not just crazy and weird so hi
Welcome, Michael. I hope you'll find some help/connections on this site with talking to people.
05-25-2013, 11:47 PM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: so glad to know im not just crazy and weird so hi
Aw, welcome to the site there Michael.
I'm saddened to hear you've had such a rough time with this all. It's by no means an easy disorder to cope with, but it can be done. At the moment, though, you're still going through the grieving process from just finding out what's been going on all these years, it would seem.
You've been diagnosed? Are you seeing an occupational therapist currently, in that case? It would really help you I'm sure if you haven't yet.
I hope you stick around at that this site can be as supportive as you need it to be!
Oh, and while this is still your introduction, do you have any personal interests or anything? Who knows, you might share quite a bit in common with a lot of people here both in symptoms and in personality.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
05-26-2013, 03:28 PM |
Posts: 2
Joined: May 2013
RE: so glad to know im not just crazy and weird so hi
well ive had two back surgery's so only real hobbies i got left are my nerdy hobbies xbox360 and anime. i got bad nurve pains in my leg so im wonderin if this spd can make it worse. also yes i just got diagnosed earlier this year but i havent found any help in my area im still looking though
05-27-2013, 10:36 AM |