SPD Support
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Support Forum
The boards at SPD Support are an excellent source of support, understanding, and frienship. They are free and are here to help you.
Support Hosts
SPD Support Hosts are volunteers, both local and abroad, who are dedicating their time and efforts to help those whose lives have been effected by SPD. Find one in your area, or dedicate your own time to this very important cause today!
SPD Support has over 5 years of articles written by our Hosts and other contributors. A terrific resource for information and advice.
Printable resources, local support, Sensory Processing Disorder symptom checklists, links, a store, and more can be found in our resources section.

New at SPD Support
News: SPD Parent SHARE becomes SPD Support
Article: Eljay's Struggles with SPD
Resource: New SPD Symptom Checklists
Article: Interactive Metronome
Article: An SPD Meltdown! How Does It Feel?