(06-04-2010, 06:31 PM)arlenea92 Wrote: Well right now I'm unemployed and without a car so I don't get to do much for myself. But when I can borrow someone's car I like to go and get pedicures and manicures.
Ah, cool. Well, the last part is cool, not the 'not having a car' part

. That just makes everything 10,000 times harder, right?
Quote:I have been unemployed for almost 2 years now but I truly believe that God is looking over me and that being home for my son is what I'm suppose to be doing except for the unemployment money is going to run out soon.
You know, kids with SPD really do need someone to be there for them a lot, more than is already true with kids in general. What you said there about God looking over you... I would have to agree with that. That's a lot like how my mom has felt the past several years, as she hasn't been working while she has made sure my younger brother and I get to and from therapy.
That's right, I'm young, lol. 22, a little on the old side to still be at home, but 19 year old brother is here as well, and he's got a pretty severe case of bipolar disorder with epilepsy (though he's grown out of the epilepsy part). Yeah, so I'm the 'SPD kid (adult now, lol)' in my family

Quote:I'm getting ready to move tomorrow so that I'm closer to my son's dad's house because of not having a car.
Ouch! Okay, that's rough, having to put yourself closer to a person you left (for good reasons from the sound of it), just so that you can get around.
Quote:Today has been particularly challenging because all of our stuff is packed and the pool has a leak. So we are at a loss as what to do. Right now my son is playing with the hose and seems to be having a good time and he is doing that only because I had to get him out of the house and away from the tv.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I used to love to play with the hose myself, lol. Sorry to hear about the leak, but at least he's able to do something of interest (aka sensory seeking) to him out there.
Quote:I hope to talk to as many of you as I can to get some advice on how to handle the tantrums.
Tantrums = Meltdowns
These are much worse than the typical tantrum. They are elevated, and much more distressing for you and him. If the environment is hard enough for him, they will also be much more consistent. I would definitely talk to his OT about this as well (assume he's seeing an OT?). They should be able to at least offer some ideas, on top of what may be suggested to you online.
Well, hopefully something happens in your life sometime soon to help things improve for you and your son. It's wonderful that you're here, really is. I just know this place can become a good support for you

. Take care.