Posts: 5
Joined: Feb 2011
RE: Hello, wondering if my daughter may have SPD
I am no expert, but this is something you may want to discuss with your child doctor. How long was your daughter in pre-school? It is pretty much a war to get my son dressed and put shoes on, just to get him to pre-school. He says he hates it but seems to be ok after he is there. He is also very antisocial and remains very quiet in the classroom. Another big question: how often and how long do the tantrums last? My son has went for 3-4hrs of physically violent tantrums ending with me physically restraining him, and seems as if he will never calm down. SPD children have a difficult time calming themselves down. Most of the time my son has no clue why he started crying to begin with.
It does sound like she has some sensory issues, but you as her parent, is the only person who knows your child. You can't always compare children as they grow and are so different but since she has a twin you can say this twin does this but this one doesn't. I hate to compare my children but sometimes you have to just to get some answers.
SPD, Autism, Bipolar, and OCD all seem to have many similar symptoms and so many doctors are reluctant to label a child b/c of the fear to misdiagnos. keep a journal of her day, did she have any fits, how long did they last, what started it, how did she calm down, even if she has a good day. Do this for a couple weeks, maybe even have a list of things one twin does differetly than the other. Then show your pediatrician and say these are my concerns.
Good luck with your children and I hope you find a way to help your little girl. It's a long and stressful journey but the sooner you find answers the sooner you and your daughter can start to help each other understand whats going on!
02-06-2011, 01:29 PM |