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What can the spd kid do during school?
Any good OT suggestions for what my DS can do during Kindergarten, that would be acceptable to teachers? I sent him in wearing a necklace with pencil grips strung on it, so he could play with those quietly, but he told me that was not acceptable, teacher didn't like the necklace and threatened to take it. He really loves to chew gum and that focuses him, but of course, no gum at school. We don't have an IEP and they don't know he has SPD.
So for now, I just have a solid home routine on school mornings, brush him, keep house quiet, and send him into class, and hope for the best!
09-27-2011, 11:14 PM |
teen with SPD
Posts: 24
Joined: Jul 2011
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
I'm now in high school a little different than kindergarten but I was diagnosed with ADD in first grade, some of the things I do in school to make sure I don't loose focus is maybe to twirl or click a pen or to ask to get a drink and go for a walk. little things make a difference maybe getting a click pen and a spare notebook to doodle in his free time might help.
09-27-2011, 11:44 PM |
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RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
Thanks. I think the water one is one thing he can do.
09-28-2011, 09:24 PM |
teen with SPD
Posts: 24
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RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
No problem, glad I was able to help
09-28-2011, 11:33 PM |
Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 2011
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
My son is in Kindergarten, and has a wonderful teacher. With the help of the resource teacher, we all sat down to talk about some things that would be acceptable for the classroom.
The biggest thing that has helped is a "safe place" within the classroom. It is for any student to use, but mostly just mine uses it. There is a bean bag in the spot that he can push himself into, and so he can escape anything bugging him. He also has a wiggle seat to sit on so that he can get movement without getting out of his chair.
We also do the solid home routine before school along with reading his social story. He has good and bad days, but is starting to have more good days.
Hope these suggestion help.
Good luck in finding thing that work!
09-29-2011, 12:21 AM |
Posts: 5
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RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
thanks! I am curious if your child just has spd, and if so, did you get an IEP? Are you all at private or public? We are in public school, no IEP, with a first year teacher, and I was afraid to talk to her about spd, but I just sent a note to request a meeting. I will ask about the "safe spot" type of thing, great idea. And taking in a wiggle seat, do you leave it at school? Or back and forth? I'm sorry to ask so much. Thanks again.
09-29-2011, 08:32 PM |
Posts: 277
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
We're at a public school and my older son's Kindy teacher was the one who came to us with concerns, which eventually led to an SPD diagnosis. Our school is beyond wonderful with resources and classroom help! He got an IEP (504) in 1st grade and has continued to have one through 5th grade this year. The students who needed to chew gum were allowed to chew it as long as they were responsible about it.
I would set up an appointment with his teacher and the school's social worker or psychologist. Request an IEP/504. I'd buy books to educate his teacher--and maybe the school as well.
Maybe his teacher could ask him to be the one to pass out papers or walk messages down to the office. I'm not sure what his SPD needs are, so it's hard to make other suggestions. Maybe there's another fidget toy that would be allowed. Does he have low muscle tone? My son was allowed to use a seat with a back (like ones people bring to sporting events to support the back) and use it at assemblies when he had to sit on the floor (otherwise he'd eventually be lying down on the floor). My son was overwhelmed at the start of school and the end of the day when it was chaotic from other students were putting away or getting backpacks. He'd have meltdowns, so an aide got him off the bus and brought him to the swings for 10 minutes, then when he got to class, the students were already sitting. At the end if the day an aide brought him to the library to read a book until his bus arrived.
If sounds bother him or he is distracted by them, maybe he could wear ear plugs?
mom to 2 boys, one avoider and one seeker
09-29-2011, 10:29 PM |
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
some of the treatments to treat spd is Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Group Therapy so just try to convinse his teacher so as to provide him emotional support and also by helping him make new friends this will help him alot. Try to make him participate in group events this will let him come closer with the other kids in the kindergarden.
wish you best of your good luck...
09-30-2011, 07:10 AM |
Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 2011
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
(09-29-2011, 12:21 AM)tbclarsen Wrote: My son is in Kindergarten, and has a wonderful teacher. With the help of the resource teacher, we all sat down to talk about some things that would be acceptable for the classroom.
The biggest thing that has helped is a "safe place" within the classroom. It is for any student to use, but mostly just mine uses it. There is a bean bag in the spot that he can push himself into, and so he can escape anything bugging him. He also has a wiggle seat to sit on so that he can get movement without getting out of his chair.
We also do the solid home routine before school along with reading his social story. He has good and bad days, but is starting to have more good days.
Hope these suggestion help.
Good luck in finding thing that work!
My son does have SPD (newly diagnosed this las august). He has an already exisiting IEP from a previous Autism DX that he does not fit now.
He has a wiggle seat provided by the OT at his school, that stays in his class. I also have purchased one for home through therapro.com. He does not use the one at home much (just for homework).
We are at a public school, after much thought about our options. I would suggest to request a meeting with the school's resource teacher or administrator to talk about your concerns if the teacher is not able to help.
Good Luck!
09-30-2011, 11:12 PM |
Posts: 112
Joined: Oct 2011
RE: What can the spd kid do during school?
I know people live in different countries, but my sons school in the uk has a SENCO person, special educational needs, who will arrange meeting to discuss with you and the teacher as how best they can help your child.
Does other countries not have this?
11-11-2011, 06:39 AM |