This page contains our official online application for becoming an SPD Support
Host. Here you can fill out Part 1 of a 3 stage process for becoming a Host. You should not fill
this form out unless you are sure you would like to become a Host.
The 3 processing stages are as follows:
Stage 1: Online Application (you are here)
Stage 2: Emailed Guidelines, to be sent by a staff member after review of
online application.
Stage 3: Staff Approval; Your application will be reviewed, and approved
applicants will be invited into our Hosts-only group. You can be added to our database,
and this website, if you desire.
If you have any concerns regarding this process, or if you would like to request to go through
this process via email application, please contact our currently active Administrator, Dan Travis at and he can help you privately. If you
are concerned for your privacy, please read our
Privacy policy for incoming Host
Online Host Application
Instructions: Please answer each of the following questions truthfully and to the best of your ability. Lying on this application is grounds for being banned from the SPD Support Host Group. Please allow up to one week for a response, though we will often respond to you sooner. Again, this is an application to become a Host for us, and not just a simple questionaire.