Host Guidelines

Conceptual Base

The primary knowledge related to intervention of SPD is based on Occupational Therapy (OT) with a sensory-based approach (e.g. Ayres, 1972). This approach focuses on using sensory based interventions to improve children's "occupations" such as learning, playing, sleeping, relating, behaving appropriately, performing daily routines and activities and succeeding at school, at home and in the community while maintaining good self-esteem and achieving maximum potential.

Thus hosts are asked to focus on Occupational Therapy as a primary method of treatment in discussions with their groups, on the internet, and on the Host group site, although other forms of treatment may be discussed, information shared, or presented by experts at meetings.


We strongly recommend that every Host obtain a free yahoo identity, on the Internet, and join our Host Only yahoo group, via email. In this group site, we have compiled resources and information for Hosts to utilize, and are personally available for any Host's questions or concerns. If that is not possible, communication will be limited. If a fax number for you is available, we are able to send documents and information upon request. Otherwise, we will rely on the United States Postal Service, to provide you with necessary documents and information. This form of communication will not enable you to utilize education, training, and support through our online network, but a limited supply of materials will be available. You will be added to our mailing list for any free materials sponsors may agree to send to Hosts. And you will receive a list of suppliers who may be willing to send materials directly to you.

Rules of Conduct

Our Hosts are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and helpful manner. You represent our National and International group, and as such, your goal is to support, comfort, educate, and increase awareness of the benefits of therapy for SPD. There is an expectation of honesty and integrity within our group, and any gross violation of trust may result in expulsion from the group, according to the sole discretion of the Administrator.


For the protection of each individual Host and our group as a whole, we use a legal disclaimer on many documents pertaining to our group, and always at meetings, advising parents to consult with a professional. We may also use an individual waiver, if a situation warrants its use. We seek to educate ourselves fully on SPD and the therapy used as interventions, and we share our opinions but we cannot suggest treatment or act as a therapist. We do NOT give out medical advice. Hence the liability issue must be regarded as important and necessary.

Please ensure that you identify yourself as follows on any written communication you make on behalf of your SPD Parent S.H.A.R.E. meetings, communications, web sites and email unless you are corresponding with other hosts: (Name), SPD Support Host of (City, State).

Host Options

There are several acceptable venues for a Host to share education, resources, and awareness throughout their community. Most common, is the formation of monthly meetings, held at a convenient location of your choice. This is flexible according to each Host's availability, and commitment.

A Host may also choose to do workshops in the area periodically. Guest speakers are very informative. Establishing an online support group for your area is another possible option. We will help you create an SPD Support sponsored online group. Direct consults with individual families are encouraged.

Contacting the Occupational Therapists in your community, and providing them with flyers offering to assist the parents when needed is also an option. Hosts sometimes choose to conduct field trips and special events with their groups. When meeting with parents, it is advisable to conduct meetings without children present, however, creative means to accommodate children, such as certain parents providing childcare at a nearby location, or on site, but in another room, has proven to be satisfactory. You, as a Host must decide what is right for you, and schedule yourself accordingly. We will help with meeting formats, attendance sheets, materials, and topics for discussion. Light refreshments are always appreciated but by no means mandatory.


In becoming an SPD Support Host, you will undoubtedly discover the joys of bringing awareness and hope to many families. Each family is important. Each child brought to therapy is a life saved. Our goal is to spread awareness, information, resources, education and comfort to SPD families across the Nation.

Please contact us if you want to apply to become a Host!

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